Underwater Grassland Endangered

Many animal species that rely heavily on this region in search of food.

Coverage under the sea meadow narrowed. In effect, the region rich in habitats of living things that rely on it to survive prairie increasingly abandoned.

From the first study about the underwater grassland revealed that 14 percent of living species threatened with extinction.

According to Frederick Short, Director of SeagrassNet and professor at the University of New Hampshire, United States, plants that were there, especially off the coast of the developed world destroyed by pollution.

In the study, 114 observers to monitor the point of the underwater grassland areas around the world. Apparently, in addition to pollution, underwater grass also declined in a number of other waters due to abundance of mud that comes from deforested areas in the coastal region.

Researchers also found a number of chemicals that flow into the sea from sewage plants and agricultural waste.

Of the 72 species studied, researchers found 15 of them need to be incorporated into the category of threatened and worthy of carrying the red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

In fact, living things like fish, sea turtles, sea horses and mermaids are very dependent on prairie region in search of food. Underwater meadows was also sometimes used for the appropriate protection for their children who are still very young.

"We were very surprised at the level of threat facing a variety of seaweed species and biodiversity facing a bigger threat than we know so far," Short said, as quoted from EarthWeek, May 30, 2011.

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