10 Bad Habits Skin Damage

Here are the things that you should not do to keep the skin beauty.

Many women do all kinds of treatments for the skin look more beautiful. Many people also just do a simple skin care diligently to clean and use moisturizers.
However, all efforts can be useless if you keep doing the bad habits that damage the skin. If successfully dodged a number of 'taboo' beauty below, you do not need expensive care. Here are the things that you should not do to keep the skin beauty, as quoted from page Idiva.
1. Clean your face with hot waterIf the body feels tired, hot running water will be a panacea. But make no mistake, running hot water on the face can damage the skin softness. "If your skin is very vulnerable redness, heat can melepahkan capillary skin and make it worse," said Shula Starkey, founder of Ark Skincare.
Dr. Jamuna Pai, beauty experts also recommend not using hot water on the skin of the face and head. "The skin will lose essential oils if you use hot water," he said.
2. StressStress is not only a negative impact on health, but also harm your skin. Try yoga and deep breathing, and use beauty products to relieve pressure on the skin.
"Stress hormone, cortisol is the worst enemy for aging skin. Avoid coffee and alcohol because these substances can increase cortisol," says Starkey.
3. Use a facial cleanser instantMany cleaning products on the market that very instant facial. However, there is no guarantee these products to clean the skin up on the sidelines of the pores. Inadequate cleaning can cause a buildup of bacteria and skin damage.
"Cleaning the skin is very important and should not be ignored. Use a makeup remover if you use make-up. Do not change the make-up remover with regular cleaning," says dermatologist Dr. Goel Apratim.
4. Diet indiscriminate"This type of food consumed will reduce the quality of the skin," says Deepshikha Agarwal, dieticians and nutrition. The strict low-fat diet can make the skin dull and trigger premature aging.In fact, fat is essential for healthy skin, improve it, a natural moisturizer, and maintain skin elasticity. Essential fatty acids from fish oil, eggs, green vegetables are very important for the skin.
5. Joy of sweet snack consumptionToo much sugar in the blood stream can widen your waist. In addition, the sugar causes wrinkles on the face. "Glycation is a process in which blood sugar react in changing the structure of skin collagen and skin elasticity, and leads to premature aging,"says dietician Melanie Flower.
This process is running faster for people who have little insulin. "Snacks are rich in protein is the best choice, especially nuts and seeds because they contain skin-friendly oil," he said.
6. Not using sun protectionIf you only use a moisturizer that contains SPF at the time blazing sun, you are not doing enough protection. "It's important to use a moisturizer that contains SPF every day without exception. Use SPF 30 or more," says beauty expert Ritu Tanwar.
7. Ignoring the neck skin"You have to perform maintenance on the neck the same as treating facial skin," says dermatologist Dr. Stefanie Williams. So, use beauty products from face to neck. In addition, the use of serum antioxidants before moisturizer SPF every day.
8. Not protect it from pollutionPollution such as cigarette smoke, motor vehicle fumes can cause damage to the skin. "Pollutants can also mebuat skin more sensitive to harmful effects of UV rays," said Williams.
9. Alcohol consumptionAlcohol can dilate capillaries. The longer, alcohol can damage blood vessels and cause facial flushing, drain the antioxidant vitamin A that are essential for skin elasticity, making the skin dry and thus prone to wrinkles. Drink lots of water to push the toxins out of the body. Also avoid drinking with a straw, because it can lead to wrinkles around the mouth.
10. Not enough sleepRegeneration of skin cells occurs at night. Therefore make sure you get enough sleep for 8 hours. "Studies show the lack of sleep can increase cortisol levels that can cause aging, reduced production of collagen," says Williams. During sleep the skin absorb beauty products better. Use your night cream before bed for maximum results.

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