15 Asteroids Near Earth Through Atomic Bomb

Asteroid sightings flickering makes the interested observer.

An asteroid measuring 50 meters by 15 times the power of the atom bomb, is expected to cross near the Earth on Monday, April 18, 2011 night. When found in a number of amateur astronomers around the world, asteriod GP59 2011 is located at a distance of 10 times compared to the distance of Earth to the Moon.

Asteroid sightings flickering makes the interested observer. Apparently, it is known that the cigar-shaped asteroid is rotating from end to end quickly.

GP59, says Yeomans, an estimated length of 50 meters and the rotation period to reach about 7.5 minutes. "This makes the brightness of the object was changed every 4 minutes," said Don Yeomans, Manager of Near-Earth Object Program Office, NASA.

Although the size of 50 feet sounds small, but the size was 5 times larger than the asteroid that exploded 15 kilometers above Indonesia, in October 2009.

Luckily asteriod who have 15 times the explosive power of the atom bomb was not entering the Earth's atmosphere.

As seen in this video, a asteriod visible across the sky with a fast speed.

Asteroids are expected to cross near the earth, seems mengerlipkan rays along its orbital path. Flickering light clearly visible among the other star clusters that also emit light.

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