The disease can be overcome with Masturbation

Ejaculation in men can make the brain produce a substance which overcomes a syndrome.

Restless Legs Syndrome (Restless Leg Syndrome) haunts many people because it makes it very difficult to sleep. This syndrome is characterized by the irresistible desire to move the body especially the legs. And this condition is most severe when the sufferer just wanted to sleep.

Already a variety of ways to try to treat this syndrome. Ranging from relaxation techniques, reducing consumption of coffee and even taking drugs such as dopamine.

So what to do with masturbation?

In the April issue of 'Sleep Science', Prof. Luis Marin of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, shows a study showing ejaculation in men can make their brain to produce dopamine.

"Parallel between ejaculation and the injection of heroin," the study results as reported back by, Saturday, April 2, 2011.

Prof. Luis stated, this research makes Restless Legs Syndrome how to resolve it becomes cheaper, almost no cost and side effects. Sufferers live sex with their partner or for that alone would have no other choice right?

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