Five Kick-Keeping Intimacy

Maintaining intimacy is not merely have to pass a sexual relationship.

Having a close relationship in the love relationship, not necessarily linked to sexual activity. Although it may seem difficult, but there is happiness that can be achieved. Want to try?

1. Physical touch
The first step is how the effort to get closer physically. For example, how this can be done with a gentle massage, chatting, hugging and watch a movie, play close your eyes with my husband, and various other ways that are considered could spur the intimacy between each other.

2. Visit your favorite places
Second, intimate relationships can be brought near by doing activities such as adolescence. Options include such activities to spend time with both-be a pair, joking as he walks, or visiting a favorite place.

3. Hold hands and kiss
Third, intimacy can be maintained by holding hands and never forget to say good evening or good night. Although visible light, but this step is helpful in generating intimacy. Please note this phrase should be followed by a kiss on the forehead, or hugs.

4. Emotion
Fourth, the intimacy can be brought near to keep emotions. Writing love letters to each other and pay attention to subtle things from your partner are interesting things that can be done, for example, provide a birthday cake, buy gifts or just buy a favorite food.

5. Chat sex life
Fifth, the intimacy with the closeness of love can be shaped by thinking about the reasons you do not want to have sex. If there is a medical reason, consult a doctor or religious reasons can be used to resist the urge to have sex. If there is another reason that is stronger, then you can decide this with your partner.

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