Round Five Observations of Mars

Five findings are based on observations of humans since 1500 BC.

Mars store a myriad of mystery for humans on Earth. Various observations conducted by scientists to uncover the mystery, from the content material that is up to the creatures living there.
For the latter, the plan will be realized later this year. After more than four decades humans send robots to Mars, humans are now entering a new phase. Humans will embark with the mission vehicle Curiosity explorers to the red planet.
Indeed, Mars has been observed by humans since thousands of years ago. However, with a different perspective. With the emergence of advanced technology, humans continue to change perceptions about the Red Planet this from time to time.
Here is a series of human observation results are divided into five age, quoted from, Saturday, March 26, 2011:• Year 1500 SMPermukaan MarsIn this era, the Kingdom of Egypt quite victorious. They called Mars as "Horus of the Hawk", a falcon-headed god. Horus is known as one of the oldest gods and significant role in ancient Egyptian religion. At that time, people noted retrograde motion (setback) of Mars, where he moves backwards or away in during orbiting the Earth. Humans are still regarded as a satellite of Mars than the moon.
• In 350 BCAristotle became the first man to say that Mars distance farther than the distance of the moon to Earth, although it is still considered the Red Planet orbiting the Earth, rather than the Sun. Based on his observations, Aristotle noted that the moon passes in front of Mars.
• Year 1609 ADIn this era, humans have known telescope. By using the telescope, Galileo Galilei became the first man to observe more closely the direct Mars. He said that the Mars orbiting the Sun, not Earth. Unfortunately, the perception was immediately denied by the Vatican.
• Year 1666 ADAn astronomer named Giovanni Cassini try to calculate how long a day on Mars. Through observation teleskopiknya, he noted that there is ice at the poles, and even calculate its distance from Earth.
• 1840 MWilhelm Beer and Johann Heinrich Mädler are the two astronomers who studied Mars through a telescope was first 3.75 inch, and managed to describe the complete sketch of Mars was first to surface.

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